//TODO: professional stuff of software engineer 1001010
Tag Archives: linux
Testing a C/C++ plugin to do syntax highlighting

Got a new wordpress plugin from http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/, let’s see how it works, by drawing on a recent facepalm bug that existed for many years in the codebase..

#ifdef linux
struct SomePThreadContainer {
	pthread_mutex_t mutex;
	int other_data[32];
#define ODD_DATA_SIZE sizeof(SomePThreadContainer)
#define ODD_DATA_SIZE sizeof(HANDLE)
class OddWrapper {
	byte m_oddAbsraction[ODD_DATA_SIZE];
	void DoStuff();
class OddContainer {
	OddWrapper oddOne;
	bool b1;
	OddWrapper oddTwo;
	void VerifyOneWorksOnUse();
	void VerifyTwoFailsOnUse(); // but will work if b1 is changed from a bool to an int

Many bothans were NEEDLESSLY lost to bring you this bug. 🙂

Jr Assistant Lemur Containment Researcher at Dalaran School of Xenobiology

For the past few years I’ve had a rather obtuse (and some might say caustic) profile on LinkedIn.  It surved it’s purpose: Hide me from the recruters.  And it mostly worked.  That is, except on the recuters that play WoW. 😉

Now as those recruters cycle through their jobs and hand over their dead leads to even greener recruters to retry – I’ve ended up on an inaccurate hodge-podge of job lists that are, well, just not my thing…

  • 3 month contract job in michigan, $25k – like I’m going to relocate my familiy for that
  • Multiple Stock trading firms
  • Require: 10+ years C++ expert knowlege, Job: InstalShield scripter
  • Consultant Jobs
  • Sales support engineering
  • 3D Artist – wtf?
  • Archival media engineer – put the tape in the backup tape drive?
  • GoogleTV media codecs

It’s taken a while.  But I’ve finally come to the conclusion that there’s a certain value in having an accurate career description.  Sure, I may get a few more recruter calls – but that’s OK.  I’ll deal with it.  It’s fun answering calls from strangers using my customer service / answering machine voice.

Over the next few months my linkedin profile should start to look a little more “professional”.  For tracking purposes, here’s some of the original text…


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