//TODO: professional stuff of software engineer 1001010
site reboot

I let this page go idle for way too long. So long that an old (unpatched) install of a web app let some junk in & started auto-posting spam everywhere 🙁

So I’m starting over with a fresh WordPress install in a new user directory 🙂 Sure, I’ll start over – but that’s OK. I’m a horrible writer and the world is better off for not having to read all of my musings. That’s what Facebook and Google+ are for.

This time I’ll lean on Dreamhost’s commitment to automaticaly keep all my One-Click installs up to date.


Sorry about the theme.  I’m a programmer, just be glad it’s not RGB(255,0,255) and RGB(0,0,255) with Comic Sans.  😉

JavaScript Object Notation & Dart language != Jason De Arte

Of course I registered jsondart.com

JSON = JavaScript Object Notation @ json.org
DART = Some new web language announced by Google today @ dartlang.org

Why?  I’m JaSON DeARTe, a software engineer and I know how these internet things go.  If I didn’t grab the domain now, I’d hate myself later on.

Yes, I know I’m polluting the namespace and adding to possible confusion in the future – but it needed to be done.


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